Monday, December 17, 2018

Tentative planner for JANUARY


Collect chart for Rey

Begin Episode 8: new chart for Rey; continue with chart for Kylo Ren

Continue with film and discussion

Complete film and charts for Rey and Kylo Ren

Study / prepare for final exam

Final exam part 1
Final exam part 2

18 (end of semester)

Regents week

Monday, December 3, 2018

Information on Kylo Ren and Rey

Please read the following information on Kylo Ren and Rey for December 19th-- there will be a quiz.

The ARC CHART for Episodes I - VI


Group members:                                                                                                        

Character:  Anakin Skywalker         

Text(s):  EPISODES I – VI

The Hero’s Journey:  FILM ARC CHART

I can’t stress this enough:  your charts should be full of specific and relevant evidence.  Mere “Yes” or “No” answers or an unexplained list are not acceptable.  Demonstrate a clear understanding of how Campbell’s ideology is reflected in the film text.  Use examples!!!

The Departure
Call to Adventure:   How does the character receive the call to adventure?
Refusal of the Call: Does the character accept the call immediately?  What are the hero’s circumstances?

Answering the Call: What motivates the character to accept the call?

Supernatural Aid:  who or what helps the hero on his journey?  Why?

Guide/Mentor: Is there a specific character that helps the hero understand the life situation or provides the hero with special training?  What training do they provide?

Talisman: Is there a particular item that has special significance to the hero?  Explain the significance.

Companions: Who is with the hero on his journey? How do these companions help the hero face the challenges?

Crossing the Threshold: At what point in the story does the hero leave the familiar world and move into a new, unfamiliar circumstance?
Threshold Guardians: Are there characters that try to prevent the hero from crossing over into the unfamiliar territory or circumstance?

Road of Trials: What specific challenges does the hero face (these are all the MAJOR PLOT POINTS)?  How does the hero face them (How does his character change as a result of these plot points)?

Brother Battle: Does the hero battle physically or mentally with someone who is a relative or close friend?  What is the outcome of this battle?

 Meeting with the Goddess: Does the hero meet with a character with special beauty and power?

Abduction:  Is the character kidnapped, or is someone close to the hero kidnapped?

Night or Sea Journey: Where do the hero’s travels take him (a flow chart of places)?

Dragon Battle: Does the hero battle some kind of monster? Does the hero have to face some inner demon?

Ritual Death or Dismemberment: Is the hero injured and thought to be dead? Does the hero mistakenly believe someone close to him is dead? Does the hero suffer an injury in which he loses a limb or use of some other body part?

Sacred Marriage: Does the hero have a special emotional bond (it could literally be a marriage) with another character?

Atonement (“at one with”) with or Recognition by the Father: Is the hero reunited with his father in some way?

Entering the Belly of the Whale: Is there some point in the story where the hero must face his deepest fear or the darkest evil in the story?

Apotheosis (Deification): Is there a point in the story where the hero is held up as an ideal or where the hero is worshipped as a god?

Ultimate Boon / Magic Elixir: Does the hero find some special solution to the problem he is attempting to resolve? This might be a magic potion or a key to something.

The Return
Refusal of the Return: Does the hero initially refuse to return to the homeland or the place that he began the journey?
Magic Flight / Pursuit: Is there some point (generally toward the end) where the hero is being chased or is otherwise trying to escape something?

Rescue from Without: Is there some point in the story when all seems hopeless, when it looks like the hero is going to die—then suddenly he is rescued unexpectedly?

Master of Two Worlds: Does it appear that the hero has conquered life in both the familiar and unfamiliar worlds?

Freedom to Live: Since the hero typically begins the journey to resolve a problem, does it appear the problem is at last resolved so that all can live freely?