Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Tentative syllabus

Unit 1: Storytelling and film—are films the new “mythology”?
In this unit, students will come to an understanding of mythology and the role it plays in their lives.
Not all mythology dates from the days of ancient cultures. People around the world continue to create new myths and to embroider or rework existing ones. Modern technologies such as publishing, movies, telecommunications, and the Internet allow folktales, rumors, and newly minted myths to travel faster and reach more people than ever before. One distinctive feature of some modern legends is that they originated as artistic creations, although their creators may have drawn on earlier themes…
…Like all myths and legends, modern mythology springs from a sense of life's wonder, excitement, mystery, and terror. Modern legends offer images of the best and worst aspects of the human condition. They suggest that good behavior will be rewarded and evil, greedy, or foolish behavior punished. Some modern legends reflect people's fear of rapid social change or of science and technology; others appeal to their desire to find meaningful patterns beneath the confusing chaos of ordinary life.”

Primary readings and viewings
Pressbooks’ “The Three Types of Myth
Secondary viewing:

Primary writing
Analysis paragraph:  Is film the new vehicle when discussing mythology and metaphor?  Why or why not?

Unit 2:  Psychology and the Star Wars Universe
In this unit, students will investigate elements of the DSM5 regarding narcissism, sociopathy, and psychopathy.  They will then use this information to analyze characters from the second canon (episodes 1-3).

Primary readings and viewings


Primary writing
Notes from the TED-Ed video
Article notes

Unit 3:  The Second Canon—Episodes 1-3

Students will be asked to identify aspects of the DSM5 in characters of note.  This information will be useful when analyzing characters in the first and contemporary canons.

Material for review


Primary viewing
·      The Phantom Menace
·      Attach of the Clones
·      Revenge of the Sith

Primary writing
Character diagnosis sheets / in class writing

Secondary viewing:
TED talk:  "My Son was a Columbine Shooter"

Unit 4: Joseph Campbell and the Hero’s Journey
In this unit, students will be introduced to Joseph Campbell, a well-renowned mythologist.  Students will use the information in this unit as a template for their study of the first canon.

Primary readings and viewings
The Power of Myth, Part 1 (A PBS documentary)
Primary writing
Notes from documentary

Unit 5:  The First Canon:  Episodes 4-6
Students will use information from previous units when analyzing episodes 4-6.  Who is the hero of this canon?  The villain?  Or is it more complicated than that…?
Primary reading and viewing
·      TED-Ed video:              
·      A New Hope
·      The Empire Strikes Back
·      Return of the Jedi

Primary writing
Hero chart for Luke Skywalker
Continuation of Hero chart for Anakin Skywalker

Unit 6: The Contemporary Canon:  Episodes 7-8
In this unit, students will use information from previous units to examine the character of Kylo Ren.  What metaphor(s) are the new writers and directors of the franchise bringing to their audience?

Primary reading and viewing
·      The Force Awakens
·      The Last Jedi
Episode 9:  TBA
Primary writing:
Character analysis charts
Argument paper

The final exam… TBA
Please note that the final exam is mandatory.  It will count as 1/5 of your final grade.  Failure to complete the final exam or plagiarism on the final may result in course failure.

Important definitions/concepts
Binary opposition:
Canon :              
The DSM 5:       

Course expectations and requirements

Lates, cuts, and absences will be dealt with in accordance with Niskayuna High School’s policies. 
If you are 20 MINUTES (OR MORE) LATE for a class, whatever the reason, it is considered a class absence
If you CUT a class, the appropriate paperwork will be sent to your assistant principal.  You should receive 3 after school detentions from your administrator.  In addition, YOU WILL RECEIVE A ZERO (0) for any work that took place during the block or that was due that block. 
PLEASE NOTE:  if you cut class for a section of your final exam, the same penalties will apply.

Calculating your final course grades
Your final course grade will be calculated numerically.  Because this is a semester course, the marking period grades are doubled and the final exam will count once: 2+2+1=5/5= final course grade.

Late work due to absences
If you have an excused absence, you have as many days as you were out to make up the work for that absence.  I will not remind you to make up your work.  THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.   If your work is not completed in the allotted time, a 0 will be recorded for that assignment.  If you cut a class, a 0 will be recorded for that assignment and that assignment cannot be made up.

Cell phone use
Cell phones are not to be used in the classroom for personal use.  If you are using a cell phone for personal use during class, I reserve the right to take the phone AND assign a 0 for the activity that day.
Tests and quizzes must be made up within one week of the absence
A grace period of three days is provided for FINAL DRAFTS of most essay assignments with a deduction of one letter grade per day.  Major papers, such as research papers, will not be accepted after their final due dates unless a verified written excuse is provided.  The late paper will be still be downgraded, however, at my discretion.  
I do not accept late homework. 

Academic integrity
The academic integrity policy is located in Niskayuna High School’s Code of Conduct booklet.  Please read it with your parents, and come in with any questions you might have.   I may refer you to this section from time to time.  I take ALL instances of academic integrity seriously and will deal with them in concert with the administration.  This includes copying homework:  UNLESS OTHERWISE STIPULATED, HOMEWORK (including any worksheets) IS AN INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY.  Each party involved in copying homework is culpable and will meet with their administrator.  
If you have any academic integrity issues with your final exam, you will receive a 0 for the exam and will be reported immediately to the building principal.

Extra help
If you do not speak to me about a problem, I will not know you have it and, consequently, will not be able to help you.  Let me know ahead of time that you plan to stop in for help. 

Classroom behavior
Think before you speak, listen to what classmates have to say, help others when the occasion calls for it, act honestly.  Success in life is determined by more than a transcript.  Successful people are capable of building meaningful relationships with other people.